Chanda Chisala
8 min readSep 1, 2020


The One Question that Calvinists Can’t Answer

Over the past year, I’ve taken some deep interest in the doctrine of Calvinism, especially to understand what its appeal is to so many intellectual Christians. On the surface, it appears counter-intuitive that anyone would embrace a doctrine that essentially denies man’s full free will and presents man as basically a robot, enjoying only an illusory sense of self-determination in a universe that is completely predetermined and controlled by God.

I studied the soteriological arguments presented by some of the strongest proponents of Calvinism, including the late Dr. R.C. Sproul of…



Chanda Chisala

Two-time Visiting Scholar to the Hoover Institute, Stanford University. Writer, originally from Zambia, Africa. Politics, psychometrics, theology, economics.